tisdag 14 februari 2012

Morning Musume 48th single PV released!!!

Okay I know I'm LAAATE haha xD
but I don't care :P
Morning Musume's 48th single is named
Pyoco Pyoco Ultra
I really love it <3
The song itself has a really special sound, and is quite hard to like at the beginning,
but the more you listen to it the more you love it ^_^

This single doesn't only have a special sound, it also got a very special PV(Music Video).
I love how cute all of the members looks like in their chicken costumes :)
The dance is also very cute and energentic!!!

If you like child-ish stuff like me, you are totally gonna love this single!
Give the song a chance and I know you'll love it <3

This is also the first single without Aichan :( but the first with the 10th generation :D
that are:

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